
Cryotherapy directly translates to “cold therapy.” It is a fitting name as the process involves exposing the body to freezing temperatures for up to several minutes per session.

What Exactly is Cryotherapy?

Numerous techniques can be used to administer this therapy. Cryotherapy can be focused on one area or the entire body.
Some ways that Cryotherapy can be performed are:

Ice baths

Ice packs

Ice massages

Probing into the tissue directly

Coolant sprays

Full Body Cryotherapy Therapy

Whole body Cryotherapy or WBC, is when the entire body is put into ice-cold air for some time. This is known to have several benefits for the body and overall well-being.

When it comes to whole-body Cryotherapy, the patient will stand in a chamber-like device or a small enclosed area. In both cases, there will be an opening for the patient’s head to be outside the cold air.

The standard temperature for this therapy is often between -166 to -200 degrees Fahrenheit. The patient will then endure the cold air for around 2 to 4 minutes, depending on the type of Cryotherapy treatment as well as the purpose of the session.

Athletes have been known to use Cryotherapy therapy quite often to aid their muscles and boost recovery. Sometimes an athlete will have 2 sessions daily, and others will use it daily for around 10 days. Then once a month after this period of daily sessions.


Up to six cooling plates are placed on the chosen body areas and fixed with a stretch band. Differently formed plates guarantee close skin contact on every body part.

Afterward, the cooling and muscle stimulation programs are selected and adapted to your needs. Then it gets time to get started on your application.

The plates cool down and keep their temperature constant for 45-60 minutes. You can relax, sleep, listen to music, or read during this time.


Instead of simply cooling plates, one can also exploit the benefits of a hands-on cryo session, in which the cold is massaged into the respective body area.

This provides a more intense cryo experience, making face treatments possible and enabling a more precise and efficient cryo application.

Cryotherapy can be used for pain relief. It can help with the following:



Rheumatic pain

Groin pull

Knee injury

Back Pain

Frozen shoulder

Ankle sprain

Hamstring strain

Tennis elbow

What are the Benefits of Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy treatment has multiple benefits. It can help people suffering and has been known to improve numerous health issues.
Here are several known advantages of Cryotherapy:

Helps Relieve Migraines

By cooling and acting as a numbing agent, when Cryotherapy is focused around the neck area, it can help relieve the pain from migraines.

When the carotid arteries in the neck are exposed to cold temperatures, it can help relieve tension and related pains.

The carotid arteries are easily accessible because they are close to the skin’s surface. It makes it easier for Cryotherapy to quickly act as a pain reliever as it is believed to help cool the blood in the intracranial vessels.

Soothes Nerve Irritation

Cryotherapy is a well-known pain number. Due to this ability, it is no surprise that it’s one of the athletes’ favorite treatments. Those suffering from sports injuries use Cryotherapy as it helps to numb and soothe irritated nerves caused by prior damage to the area.

The Cryotherapy session will frequently involve a practitioner inserting a probe into the affected area’s tissue. This will help unleash any pinched nerves, neuromas, acute injuries, and even chronic pain.

Treat and Improve Mood Disorders

During a Cryotherapy session, the coldness can induce physiological hormone responses. This will have a positive effect as endorphins, noradrenaline, and adrenaline will be released.

This is an excellent treatment for depression, anxiety, and other related mood disorders. Research shows in some cases that Cryotherapy can help to treat patients suffering from more than one of these disorders.

Acts as a Pain Relief for Arthritis

Cryotherapy can help relieve pain caused by Arthritis. It has also been proven to improve rehabilitation. Cryotherapy can help treat severe conditions and allow more intense physiotherapy and occupational therapy.

Used as Part of Cancer Treatment

Yes, the treatment is known to help effectively treat the harmful issues found in cancer patients. This is usually from targeted Cryotherapy sessions. Also known as Cryosurgery, this process freezes cancer cells by having ice crystals surround them.

Cryotherapy is actively used to treat certain types of cancers, such as prostate. Not to mention low-risk tumors.

It can Help Treat Skin Conditions

Atopic dermatitis is a condition that causes painful inflammation of the skin. As Cryotherapy boosts antioxidant levels, this can help to soothe and lessen skin inflammation.

Both targeted, and whole-body Cryotherapy can aid in skin conditions such as Atopic dermatitis.


All applicators also have EMS adapters installed. Cryolipolysis and EMS (electro-muscle stimulation) run simultaneously in each handpiece and complement each other perfectly.

EMS enables a parallel stimulation of the muscles and the tissue. The advantage: EMS promotes the process of the cooling application and improves the results.

Unlike other machines, with CryoEMS, there is no sucking of fat, no extremely painful massages, and no challenging lumpy areas post-treatment.

This cryolipolysis technology, coupled with EMS and light therapy, leaves your skin smooth, tightened, and sculpted.

Cryolipolysis is used for:

Fat reduction

Tissue tightening

Body shaping

Skin enhancing

Figure improvement



Cryotherapy can be used for pain relief. It can help with:

It is good to know that noticeable benefits can be felt from the first session. So even if patients need time to endure the cold gain, they will still have lasting health improvements. However, the more sessions, the better, as there will be a drastic difference.

Are you ready to take the next step?

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Still skeptical? Here are some public research articles…   Cryolipolysis-induced abdominal fat change: Split-body trials  Cryolipolysis for noninvasive body contouring: clinical efficacy and patient satisfaction  Feasibility Study of Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation and Cryolipolysis for Abdominal Contouring  Safety and efficacy of cryolipolysis for non-invasive reduction of submental fat Whole-Body Cryotherapy Is an Effective Method of Reducing Abdominal Obesity in Menopausal Women with Metabolic Syndrome
